Friday, May 25, 2007

Can't think up a witty title here

Quick and the Dead(1995):

The Quick and the Dead is our first western and our second tournament settings film. Anyway, the films about a quick draw contest in which the character's are fighting for 123,000 dollars.This is before inflation kids, so it was alot of money.

The performances are ok,But what stands out is Gene Hackman's portryal as the sherrif. He does a good job playing a low life jerk here. The rest of the cast features Sharon Stone, Russel Crowe, and Leonardo Dicaprio,and they do a good enough job in their roles.

My gripe with the movie is that during the shootout scene's there are alot of lousy camera effects(like panning in on the backround.) and it really takes away from the drama of a shootout. Also the slow mo bullet scene was not neccesary either.

Overall, a fun film and worth watching again,But only if it's on T.V.

1 comment:

Pat R said...

i agree, well worth the time, but not necessarily worth the cost of one rental