Friday, May 18, 2007

The Movie A Day Project

Hey, everybody and welcome to my blog(never thought I'd say that):The Movie A Day Project.Where I will simply try to watch a movie everyday for a year.It should be interesting to see what happens and if I can keep it up long enough I will have seen 365 movies in a year.

Now here's a quick tale on how this idea came about:

I was wondering what movie to watch one day,looked through my entertainment center, and found a bunch of movies my aunt gave to me that were on VHS. Upon seeing that there were many movies that I'd never seen, I decided to try to watch them all one at a time. Then it struck me, What if I chronicled what I watched and wrote reviews about it? I figured it could be an interesting to do on the Internet and I created this blog here to write about said films

Here's where you come in. You can post your thoughts/reviews here or anything you'd like in the comments section. Also,once I run out of movies from what I have I will look to you avid readers for some suggestions and perhaps I will watch a film you request(and believe me even it's cheesy I'll consider it it.). Also,if you request a film I'm not quite willing to buy,(I don't rent.I don't like the idea of putting money towards something and maybe liking it and paying for it again.), try to find it on T.V somewhere, and I'll probably watch it.

Anyway,it's time for me to get watching the first film.

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