Sunday, May 20, 2007

Don't Play With Strangers!

OK, I watched this yesterday and I'm a little late with the post.

Strangers On A Train(1951)

Oh, man is this ever a choice movie.Such a solid plot, solid performances, and the way Hitchcock presents the scene's is simply incredible.It's just a testament to how well Hitchcock could direct a film in his day.

First off, Hitchcock does a spectacular job at directing here.There are just so many scene's here where you are on the edge of you're seat.It really shows how solid of a director he was and just how his movies shined above many other of his peers.

For example, the murder scene is a real visual treat.The music just lures you into the scene and the killer's walking towards the victim really builds the suspense.It gets to a point where you suspect the murder has happened and then you realise it was just Hitchcock tricking you.The whole scene just keeps escalating until the breaking point and every moment of this scene is just great.

Secondly,Robert Walker's performance as Bruno is really solid.He plays off the vibe of evil, conniving, murderer so well here.He talks so smoothly about murder that it seems like it's almost nothing to him.He just has that certain smugness that makes the character believable and really makes you hate the guy.It's really a shame that he wasn't in very many notable pictures.

Overall,a very tight picture and a very solid showing from Hitchcock.The performances were good,the cinematography was excellent, and I was entertained from the opening credits to the closing credits.This one's defiantly worth watching again.

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