Tuesday, May 22, 2007

As we walk in fields of dreams.

My apologies that I didn't write this review yesterday.I watched it yesterday night and fell asleep before I could get to the computer.But, I did watch it yesterday(Well,I started it yesterday and it ended 12;20ish that night.)


Field Of Dreams(1989)

This is the story of a man named Ray Kinsella. One day while tilling in his cornfield he here's a voice saying "If you build it he will come"and that encourages him to build a baseball field. I would say that this is a pretty simple plot and not deep in storytelling at all. But that's not the movie's strong point anyway.

The movies strong points are it's emotional moments. The parts of the movie that focus on unfulfilled dreams and dreams to come are what makes this film magical and without those moments this would be popcorn fluff.

The parts are played well enough. Costner play Ray well, and James Earl Jones steals the movie with his hilarious portrayal of a has-been novelist(He's got quite a few neat little lines in this film). The actor's who play Ray's wife and daughter are very average however and really don't add much to the film.

This film might be a magical ride throughout, But it's not without it's faults. First of all the whole book banning scene in the school reeks of pretentiousness("Look at us we're taking a stand against book banning") . Also, Anne(Ray's wife) is way too much of a hippy and honestly annoys me in almost every scene she appears and the whole plot with her arguing with her brother over the land was not needed.

Oh, and there's the ending. That's just one of those scene's that just gets me to tear up and it's the perfect ending to the film. My only gripe is the whole cars in the background and the final scene being of the cars. I never got why they had to include the financial aspect as much when it came to the farm, But that's a minor gripe anyway and it doesn't really take away from the film.

Overall,a good film and defiantly worth my time.

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